You can listen to Wolfden on all major streaming services
Listen to the latest releases
Latest Single "Stuck in Lockdown" (Released July 17, 2022)
Recent Single "Krieg in Ukraine" (Released May 20, 2022)
Below is their first 13 song debut album, "RooM2A1", released on October 31, 2020 without a label. This album was written and recorded within an 8 week period of time at RooM2A1 Studios, right in their own home! It even features a cover art with the first draft of their logo, which has since changed to a more punky style.
The best way to support WOLFDEN:
Purchase their music on Bandcamp!
Purchasing the digital downloads on Bandcamp is literally the best way to support Wolfden. They spend a great deal of time and money bringing you the highest quality sound possible. Having an Indie label to support them with distribution does not mean they have access to thousands of dollars for the production itself.
Fun Fact: Bandcamp even let's you pay more than what the artists are asking for, and believe it or not, statistically speaking, 60% of all Bandcamp purchases ARE more than the artist requests for all their hard work!
We are only asking for 8€ for our first release "RooM2A1" which is less than 1€ per song!